
What do you do if you don't feel comfortable with the nurse that the home care company has sent to your home? Click here to find out.

This Is Why Getting Bathroom Help Is One Of The Best Choices You Can Make For An Elder

17 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Many elders have a strong desire to remain independent in the comfort of their own homes. Of course, if you're looking after an elder or have concerns about one in your life, you might be worried about the idea of leaving your loved one alone, even if they seem to be taking good care of themselves at the moment. If there's one thing you should strongly consider hiring a personal caregiver for, it's for help in the bathroom. Read More …

4 Main Reasons Why You Should Try Hospice Care Today

9 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have a loved one who has a life-limiting illness? Are you wondering how you can provide compassionate care for them so that they can live as comfortably and fully as possible? Hospice care could be the answer. Instead of focusing on the disease, hospice care manages the symptoms. The goal is to ensure that your loved one's last days are spent with dignity. When is Hospice Care Necessary? Read More …

Can Home Care Prevent Falls In Elderly People?

5 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Elderly people have a higher risk of falling than their younger counterparts. Factors like poor vision and chronic diseases make seniors susceptible to falls in their home. Falls can lead to many types of injuries, from broken bones to head injuries, and land the elderly in the hospital. If you have an elderly parent, you may be concerned about him or her suffering a fall. Believe it or not, hiring a home care worker may reduce your parent's risk of falling. Read More …

Taking End of Life Doula Online Training to Work in a Hospice

22 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As the population continues to age, more people are needed to fill positions in hospice care. Patients nearing the end of their lives will rely on these highly trained individuals to provide them with both physical and emotional relief.  When you want to join this growing industry, you first must obtain the necessary education to become a hospice worker. You can start by enrolling in end-of-life doula online training. Read on to learn what this type of training entails. Read More …

Why Lead-Based Paint Removal Services Are Essential

10 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Many people do not realize just how common a problem it is to have lead-based paint in the home. However, although a lot of homeowners and investors have removed lead-based paint from their properties over the years, there are still a lot of properties that still have lead-based paint inside. Luckily, there are lead-based paint removal services that help property owners who are dealing with lead-based paint, and the companies that offer these services are essential and helpful for these reasons and more. Read More …