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Degenerative Arthritis: How Does It Really Affect Your Elderly Parent’s Life?

19 September 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If your elderly parent suffers from severe degenerative arthritis and can't do the things they used to do because of their condition, you may wonder how you can make life easier for them when you're not around to help out. Although arthritis is a common health problem for older adults, it can affect how people carry out their daily tasks, including cooking, bathing, and even brushing their hair. Without help, your elderly parent's physical health could decline even more. Read More …

Alzheimer’s And Home Health - Reucing Stress When An Aide Is First Introduced

4 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If your parent has Alzheimer's, then you likely have taken an active role in helping your family member cope with the disease. If the disease has progressed and you can no longer provide the constant and consistent care that your loved one needs, then it is time to consider hiring an in-home health care aide. This will help your parent retain some of their independence while health care needs are taken care of. Read More …